What is Spray Foam Insulation?  An Introduction for Alaskans

Alaska is amazing.

You, as an Alaskan, know that to be true – and so do we.

Because at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we are Alaskans, too!

We also know that Alaskans are as unique and valuable as our state’s beautiful landscape.

And you know what?  We believe that Alaskans deserve the best everything. 

Including the best insulation available: spray foam insulation!

Why do we care? 

Because you’re as amazing as Alaska!

And we understand what it takes to live in this wonderful state.

We enjoy the same mountains and meet the same wildlife that you do. 

We even experience the northern lights with you.

And we are captivated. 

By all of it!

Living in Alaska is a blessing.  Nothing could tear us away!

But, although there are unique wonders in this land, there are also unique hazards here.

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we understand that, too.

We plug our cars in during winter to make sure they start, just like you.

We, like you, never let snow – regardless of how much – stand between us and what winter sunlight is available.

And we certainly understand the perils of exploring in the Alaskan wilderness – and take the precautions necessary to get out there!

But there’s nothing quite like coming back to a warm home after being out in the cold.

And – outdoorsmen to the core – we, like you, strive to never take a warm home (or sunlight) for granted.

Alaskans understand better than anyone else the value of a well-built shelter.

…because Alaskans live on the edge of wilderness – or right in the middle of it!

Luckily, humans have been building houses for quite some time now.

We have learned a thing or two about how to build those structures to last – and how to make those structures work for us, not against us.

Our homes keep us safe from many things, including wild animals and widely fluctuating temperatures.

We know all about wild animals here in Alaska, don’t we? There might not be lions and tigers here, but the bears? Oh, my! (We won’t even mention the moose.)

We love our wildlife here – Alaska wouldn’t be Alaska without its animals – but sleeping outdoors with them is only awesome if you have the right camping gear.

Humans aren’t built to withstand the extremes of Alaskan weather like they are, either.

Besides warm clothing and stellar sleeping bags, what did we humans invent to help us combat extreme weather conditions?


Insulation helps us stay regulate the temperatures in our homes (and other structures), so we can live within a comfortable and safe space.

In Alaska, we are accustomed to keeping cold air out and warm air in during the winter months – and the opposite in the summer, if necessary.

Luckily, hot summer days are not the norm in Alaska – but any time we need the air inside our homes to differ from the temperatures outside, insulation helps us achieve the desired result as quickly as possible, for as long as possible.

There are all sorts of insulating materials out there, but the most commonly known is traditional fiberglass insulation, also known as “batted” insulation.  

Batted insulation performs well in certain contexts, but better options are available, some of which are much more versatile…

Like spray foam insulation!

Spray foam insulation is a revolutionary product that displays top-notch insulating properties, fills hard-to-reach spaces with ease, and creates air-tight conditions to give us the ultimate climate control.

What is Spray Foam Insulation?

 A masterpiece of science, “spray foam insulation” refers to a polyurethane foam matrix created through the wonders of chemistry.

The ingredients that produce spray foam are stored separately to prevent the foam reaction from occurring until the desired time.

The separated foam-producing ingredients are referred to as “A-side” and “B-side” by spray foam professionals. The contents of each side are relatively consistent within the industry.

“A-side” primarily contains one or more type of isocyanate, such as methylene diphenyl diisocyanate or “MDI.” Isocyanate is sticky, and it acts as a glue in construction materials like particle board and plywood.  

“Iso” is essential to the chemical reaction that produces spray foam insulation and helps the cured foam adhere to the surface it is sprayed onto (called the “substrate” in the industry). 

“B-side” is a mixture of…pretty much everything else spray foam contains – polyols, catalyst, blowing agents, flame retardants, etc. This side is more customizable by foam manufacturers, allowing for product differentiation without sacrificing spray foam performance.

What’s the end result of mixing the A and B sides?

Spray foam, of course!  But there are two main types, so end products differ.

The two main types of spray foam insulation are open-cell and closed-cell foam.  We will discuss these in more detail in a later blog, but open-cell and closed-cell foams are very different from one another 

Open-cell foam expands more than closed-cell foam and ends up looking and feeling much like your kitchen sponge: squishy and pliable.

Closed-cell foam sets up more densely than open-cell, creating a rigid foam that would act more like a scouring pad than a kitchen sponge.

Okay, spray foam – regardless of type – would not be ideal for cleaning dishes. (Please don’t do that!) It’s much better suited for…you guessed it…insulating your home!

After reading the basic components of A-side and B-side, you may be thinking, “Yikes…that’s a lot of ingredients with strange names! Is spray foam insulation safe for use in my home?”

The short answer? Yes! Spray foam insulation is safe.

While you might not want to eat it – just like you wouldn’t want to eat your kitchen sponge – after curing, spray foam is safe for in-home use.

When you choose spray foam, it’s always your lucky day – because it is, hands down, the best insulation on the market!

Spray Foam vs. Traditional Insulation

So, why choose spray foam insulation over other types of insulation?

Well, it has a lot of things going for it! Most of these positive characteristics are due to the structural properties of spray foam.  

Because it is sprayed on as a liquid, spray foam insulation easily fills areas that are hard to insulate using traditional insulation – such as around windows and door frames.  Insulating water pipes is a breeze with spray foam as well!

Gravity is not kind to traditional fiberglass insulation, which tends to settle in wall cavities over time. Settling insulation, at best, leaves the top portions of walls poorly insulated or, at worst, completely uninsulated.  

Energy loss results from those poorly insulated walls – letting your heat flow right into the great outdoors.  

That’s like throwing your money out into the snow.

Spray foam, on the other hand, adheres to the substrate (or spray-receiving surface) and does not settle. (That iso contained in A-side is sticky stuff!)

Even better than that, spray foam is entirely impervious to airflow!  

That’s right – spray foam insulation allows absolutely no air to pass through it, creating an air-tight seal around your entire home.

It’s like living in a climate-controlled bubble!

In practice, traditional insulation often has a difficult time producing the R-values it is theoretically capable of.

But because there is no wall settling or airflow with spray foam insulation, it displays its TRUE R-value – which is often higher than even the most ideally-performing fiberglass insulation to begin with!

Spray foam’s higher R-values and True-to-R-Value performance decreases the price you pay for your energy bills…and that air-tight seal keeps your heat INSIDE your house, where it should be!

How Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam Helps You

Just as no two snowflakes are alike – another thing we know well in this wonderful, wild land – no two spray foam companies are alike.

What makes Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam different from everyone else?

Our heart.

We care about you – before, during, and after we spray foam for you.

We want to know you for the amazing human being you are – and we want to serve you to the best of our ability.

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, you truly come first.

The spray foam we install for you will save you money on your energy bills.

We stand by our products, and we know you will love the results they bring to your home.

But after your spray foam job is complete and your savings start rolling in, you’ll hear from us.

We will make sure you love our work and the product we sprayed for you – because your satisfaction matters to us!

We care.

Let’s make your house into a home together!

Reach out to Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam today!


Spray foam insulation is a fantastic insulator for your home, barn, business, or enclosed trailer.

It also saves you money and helps your family stay warm and dry through long Alaskan winters.

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we understand how difficult that can be.

We understand you because we are Alaskans, too.

We know how hard you work for your money, and we know how challenging Alaskan winters can be.

That’s why we want to help you keep your hard-earned cash in your pocket with spray foam.

Give us a call today, and start saving money now!

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