Letting Spray Foam Insulation Help You Live a More Fulfilling Life in Alaska

Our world is a beautiful, amazing place to live – especially for Alaskans!

Sure, life can be challenging, but humans aren’t the only species to struggle during hard times.

Alaskans live on the edge of the wild and often witness the difficulty of life in nature first-hand.

We see the ravens, moose, caribou, and bears struggle to stay alive through winter.

And we root for them when they come out on the other side!

Our proximity and connection with nature helps us understand and appreciate our place in the Alaskan web of life.

Life is not easy.

But it is worth living!

It is wonderful and challenging and surprising and heartbreaking and beautiful.

Life can be a thousand different things to each person you ask.

But we are all in this together.

We are never as alone or disconnected as we might feel.

Each of us needs certain things to survive – and we each have our own unique gifts and abilities.

Every person has talents that must be nurtured for them to grow to their fullest potential.

Wouldn’t it be a shame if we didn’t let ourselves reach our goals because we were hiding under the proverbial covers or behind a Facebook page?

Now, Alaskans are Alaskans. We get out there more than most, we are close to nature, and we love our adventures!

But what about other areas of our lives?

Are you getting in your own way?

Are you impeding your growth because of fear or a lack of genuine connection?

We’ve all been there – but we don’t have to stay stuck!

Let’s talk about pushing boundaries and really living, respecting ourselves by truly taking care of our bodies and minds, and creating a safe home base for reaching our full potentials! 

(Spoilers – we believe spray foam can help!)

Here we go!

Living Life to the Fullest – Expanding Your Comfort Zone By Letting Go of Excuses

Expanding Your Comfort Zone

We all have a base set of beliefs that describe what we feel is “safe,” “right,” or “good” for us to be doing with our lives.

Sometimes those ideals are different from neighbors’ – and that’s okay!  Our differences can be our strengths!

We all have different ideas of what it means to “succeed.”

To live your own life well, everything comes down to what you value.

So what do you value?

What makes YOU feel fulfilled?

Our answers may be different, but neither is “wrong!” 

We are all individuals, perfect in our imperfections and living to grow every day!

Maybe you’re not sure what you value in life.  That’s okay!

Now that you know you’re not sure what makes you feel most alive, you can start figuring it out.

It’s never too late to learn!  Besides, there’s very little we can’t learn in today’s world. (Isn’t life grand!?)

Obviously, living life to the fullest doesn’t mean everything will be easy – but you’ll never get anywhere if you live life in your comfort zone!

How do we expand our comfort zones?

By getting out there – outside of what you makes you comfortable – and trying new things!

Things you have only dreamed of, perhaps.

Activities you have waited for the “perfect time” to complete or start or try.

Guess what – now is the perfect time to get the ball rolling on your dreams!

Because now is all we have.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

Yesterday is gone forever (but the memories are great, right?).

So don’t wait!

Prepare, sure – especially if you are doing something with an element of danger, like taking a backing trip or floating down a river.

Know what you’re doing, ask for help if you need to, and start small – but don’t put it off anymore.

Go for it!  Get out there and live your life!!

Let Go of Those Excuses!

Is something getting in the way of you achieving a goal or dream?

Yup – we get that.

But you know what?  There’s always going to be something.

Something “more important” will always come up if you don’t prioritize your dreams.

We often sacrifice one thing for another in this life – but that means we get to choose what is important to us and work toward those things!

So let go of the excuses, unless you want to let go of your dream.  You can’t have both.

(Keep in mind that we can outgrow or change our dreams – and that’s okay!)

No more “I’ll just ____” talk!

Because saying “I’ll just ____” typically means you’re not doing what you actually want to do – or what you believe you should do.

The only “just” anything that should be in your vocabulary is if you put “just” right before “do it!” 

No “just” taking the stairs when you really wanted to get out and kayak today…

No “just” eating the junk food sitting around your house when you could whip up a healthier option in under 10 minutes…

No “just” going to the park when you really want to go see the ocean…

Come on!

This is your life!

The best option may take a bit of planning, sure.

Yes, your goal may be harder to accomplish than if you”just” did something else….

But that innate desire to connect with nature…or to learn to play the saxophone…or to take dancing lessons…or to learn to swim – that pull is not going to “just” end…

Unless you DO the things your soul is calling out for!

Yes, compromising is good sometimes – but not if the end result means you never do the thing your soul needs to thrive!

So what is it that is calling to you?

What are you making excuses to ignore?

Is it going to hurt anyone? No?

Well then, the only person you’re hurting is yourself if you don’t do it!

Don’t be embarrassed be bad at something at first.

Put on your beginner hat and get out there!

Plant a garden and see what grows!

Learn a new language!

Get those snow shoes you’ve secretly wanted for years, and go for a snowy walk! (Ya, okay – you might have to wait for snow…that’s a legit excuse…for now…)

Pick up a racket and play some pickleball!

Why not?

Whatever that wholesome thing it is for you – that nagging call to adventure that won’t let you rest well at night – get out there and do it!

Don’t be afraid to do things by yourself or to ask for help if you need it.

It’s never to late to start living life to the fullest.

No one but you can be you.

And you, friend, are awesome!!

Creating a Safe Haven with Spray Foam Insulation

What does any of this have to do with spray foam, you ask?


Spray foam helps fulfill a basic need of life on Earth – a safe shelter – so you can focus on reaching your full potential!

Humans don’t function well if certain needs aren’t met.

Needs like access to water, nutritious food, and somewhere safe to lay our heads.

Spray foam helps create a safe haven for you and your family to return to every day…

A place that is warm and dry and lets you rest easy at night!

(Spray foam keeps your adventurous equipment safe, too! See our Services Page for more information!)

We are crazy about spray foam at Xtreme Alaskans Spray Foam because we truly believe it can help you live your best life!

We care about you and your family.

We want you to reach your fullest potential and achieve everything you put your mind to!

And we genuinely believe in the power of a safe, warm home to help you do that.

You are the only you!

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we want to help you be the you-est you that you can be!

Call us today to see how spray foam can help keep your life warm and cozy…so you can get out there and explore more!


Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam can install spray foam insulation for any need!  

And those needs? Your goals and dreams?

We recognize that they are part of what makes you you!

Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam sprays insulation in your house, barn, or toy trailer so you can get out there and live your best life!

Ready to dream big??  Give us a call today!

We look forward to working with you – and helping you achieve the dreams of your lifetime!

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