Embracing Change by Living in the Moment with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam

We humans take so much for granted in our daily lives.

There are many things – “simple things” – we do on a daily basis that we forget are privileges. 

Things like brushing our hair or driving to work are repeated so often that they soon feel commonplace…

But the “simple” things make up the majority of our lives!

It’s the “small” actions that comprise the day-to-day – and which, often, bring the most meaning to our lives.

What things do you do every day?

Drink coffee? Change your clothes? Brush your teeth? Hug your kids? Walk your dog or cuddle with your cat? Laugh with your spouse?

There is great beauty in all the “little things” we do. But if we don’t pay attention while they are happening, we miss so much!

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we believe that striving to live in the moment and embracing change can help us take nothing for granted and live life to the fullest!

Living Life in the Moment

As Alaskans, the beauty of the outdoors is right there, just outside our doors, day after day…

And it’s awesome, isn’t it!?

The proximity of such amazing wilderness makes it easy to get out there and experience it!

But that closeness – that familiarity – can also make it easy to forget that the views we see every day are a priceless gift! 

Things that we see every day can become commonplace. We can forget the wonders we are looking at after just a few short days…

But what if today was the last time you could ever see the mountains or the Northern lights or listen to the wind blow through the trees?? 

If you knew that today would be your last chance to greet the wilderness around you, would you live this day any differently?  

Of course, you would! We all would!

We’re willing to bet that you’d pay attention to every passing moment, making sure to say and do the things you need to say and do so you could experience your last day to its fullest!

Don’t panic – it’s very likely not your last day! (Phew!)

But, what if we took that sort of attention – that wide-awake intentionality – and applied it to every day?

What if we could learn to find the beauty in even the most mundane tasks and experiences?

No one can be present in every single second – our brains aren’t built that way – but we can take steps to live more intentionally every day…

Paying attention as often as possible…

And expressing gratitude for the days that we have!

We can strive to take nothing for granted in our day-to-day lives – because moment-by-moment is how life is lived!

Every moment is a gift – a brand new chance to live a life we are proud of.

And every moment is leading us toward change.  

Nothing ever stays the same, after all!

Finding Meaning in Change

Change is the only constant in life.

Even when we want things to stay the same, the sun continues its journey across the sky.

Of course, we all know that time marches onward, but the repetition of daily life can convince us that we will be in the current stage of our lives forever.

If that were the case, every moment would be like the last!

How boring that would be!

Instead, we are blessed to live lives that progress from one moment to the next, ever-building on what we have gone through, always preparing for the future

A future that matters!

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we believe we are all here – on this earth, in this place, in this particular state of mind and body – for a purpose.

Be it to learn something…

Or do something…

Or help someone…

Whatever the reason (or reasons!), we are each here for a purpose.

And your purpose – your “something” – is yours alone

Yours to become, yours to be, yours to accomplish, yours to experience.

Your raison d’etre may appear very simple – even meaningless – to the casual observer…

It may look like making your kids breakfast…

Or walking the neighbor’s dog…

Or cleaning your spray foam machine for the hundredth time this month…

But hear this, friend! Your purpose is FAR from meaningless, regardless of what it is!

Every tiny action you take in your life carries immense weight – and each choice holds true meaning – no matter what the causal observer may see.

Because every single thing we do while we are living is an act of vitality, an act of LIFE. 

And where there is life, there is growth.

All of our experiences leave their mark on who we become, just like the rings of a tree.

And every season we live through – even the difficult ones – are recorded with care…

Because each one helps show us who we are and make the choices necessary to fulfill our purpose.

So, even if this season is a difficult one for you, take heart! 

This, too, shall pass!

The sun will rise again!

And when it does, your growth will be an amazing sight to behold!

How Spray Foam Can Help

Spray foam insulation is a brilliant feat of science.

It is versatile and valuable – but our favorite thing about spray foam is how it helps us live in the moment.

With spray foam in your walls, you can rest easily, knowing your family is safe and sound.

It helps you stay warm, save money, and focus on the things in life that matter.

It doesn’t get much better than that!

If you have questions about how spray foam can help you live life to the fullest – or you just need to talk – give us a call! 

We’d be happy to talk to you!


Each moment we have to live is precious. 

Every single day helps us grow into who we are meant to be… 

So we can each find and fulfill the purpose of our lives.

Know that your life is worth more than you can possibly imagine. And you are not alone on your journey.

We are all in this together – and Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is here to help you in any way we can.

Whether it be taking care of your insulation needs or lending an ear during a difficult season, we are here to help.

We’re just a call away.

However you choose to spend this moment, do it with all your might!

Take nothing for granted…

Because you are ALIVE!  And what a miracle it is!

So, let’s seize this day, embrace life’s changes, and GROW!

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