Give Thanks with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam

The days are getting shorter…

The weather is turning toward winter…

And Thanksgiving is only a few days away!

What are you giving thanks for this year?

That warm jacket that fits you just right?

That precious pet sitting next to you, filled with unconditional love?

That morning cup of coffee in your favorite mug?

Those everyday blessings are the backbone of life.

And they are so easy to overlook.

We spend so much time worrying about the future or rehashing the past that we often forget to live in the present.

Yes, we have to balance preparing for the future – which will likely come – with living to the fullest today, but if we don’t seize the day – this present moment – we won’t live at all.

We are among the privileged few who call Alaska “home.”

The land of the midnight sun!  How glorious!

But summer’s midnight sun translates to long hours of darkness in the winter.

To survive those dark days, Alaskans have to be intentional about getting outside and valuing the time we spend in the sun during the winter months.

We are practiced, as a state, at intentional living.

Why not apply that practiced knowledge to this holiday season? 

Join Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam in intentionally giving thanks for all of life’s blessings – big and small.

With a little practice and a pinch of gratitude, we can make this Thanksgiving – and this winter – a season to remember. 

Approach This Holiday Season with Gratitude

Life is full of ups and downs.

We all go through trials and tribulations, and all of our struggles are unique.

But none of us is struggling alone.

We have each other to lean on – and we all have something to be grateful for.

After all, some things – like the lovely scent of freshly fallen snow or the crackle of the dancing northern lights – make life undeniably special!

The “little things” add up.

You see, you are more than your achievements or possessions.

You are not defined by your money or your diplomas or whether or not you have a big house or kids or a spouse.

No.  You’re much more than that.

We all are.

We are more than the sum of our parts.

All of us are constantly growing and changing and learning – and that’s beautiful.

We each get one life. One chance to be in this time and space.

Every day matters…

Because we make it matter.

How do we make our lives matter?

By taking each moment as it comes, approaching life with open eyes and minds and hearts…

And living in the spirit of gratitude.

By recognizing and giving thanks for the blessings we receive – and sharing our blessings with each other – we can all make the world a better place to live.

Holidays serve a purpose in society.

They are times when we take a step back – as a country – to look at our lives through the lens of thanks or joy or excitement.

Holidays help us connect with who we are, where we came from, and the people and situations that have helped us along our path.

Many things add up to make us who we are. 

But every moment – even the scary or difficult ones – help to build character.

If we allow it to, each moment, each day brings with it something new to learn, something to grow from.

When we step back from the day-to-day “hustle” of life, as we strive to do as a nation on Thanksgiving Day, we can see life more clearly.

And with some self-reflection, we can begin to shift our mindset from one of lack to one of gratitude and prosperity.

What do you see when you look at your life?  What do you have to be grateful for?

What truly matters to you?

What do you want to foster, heal, or care for this winter?

Maybe this Thanksgiving, after you watch the parade, the dog show, or the football game, you can go for a walk in nature, greet the trees, and marvel at the color of the sky.

Or spend intentional time with family and friends and pets and plants, taking in the moment.

Isn’t it amazing, this place we live?  This time we live in?

This Thanksgiving, join Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam in making time for giving thanks.

A Message from Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam

There’s no denying that spray foam can save you money and ease the worries of winter. (Interested?  Learn more here!)

But we are more than your friendly neighborhood spray foam contractors.  We are your fellow Alaskans, and we care about you and your family.

We want more for you – and more for your life – than just buying our foam.

We want to help you build your reach your dreams.

We want you to find peace and hope in life.

We want you to recognize yourself for who you are – a valued, priceless treasure that has a purpose and makes an impact on this world.

You are loved. You are not alone. And your life has great potential.

We spray foam in your home, toy trailer, boat hull, or whenever you need it sprayed so that you can get back to being the best you that you can be.

But only you can be you.

You only get one life – and your life will never be lived again.

As Mary Oliver puts it…

“What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

Whatever it is, we know you’ll be fantastic.

Go get ‘em!

And if we can help you in any way, give us a call.


Life is short.

And there are many things in life that can separate us from one another.

But Thanksgiving is about coming together and celebrating life’s blessings!

It’s about focusing on what connects us – what binds us together – rather than what drives us apart.

Why not take advantage of this opportunity?

Let’s focus on our common ground, on what we share.

Let’s give thanks for the things that we don’t always take the time to recognize as wonderful.

And let’s take a look at our lives and decide to be loving towards ourselves, others, and our beautiful, wild state.

Alaska is full of glorious natural beauty.

As Alaskans, we learn from the land and its wildlife and value the natural cycles we witness here.

Everything comes and goes with the ebb and flow of life.

This, too, shall pass…

And that’s all the more reason to seize the day!

Happy Thanksgiving, from our family to yours.

P. S. Do you have questions about how spray foam can help you live your life to the fullest?

Give Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam a call!

We are happy to help.  And thankful that you’re part of this amazing world we live in.

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