How Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam Helps Make Your House a Home

What – or where – is “home?”

Is home a physical place? A location on the map?

Or is it more than that?

…is home a state of mind?

A way of living?

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we believe “home” is more than a physical place.

But it’s more than a mindset, too.

It is both a place and a sense of belonging.

Other people play a role in making us feel at home, and so do animals (like pets) and our other natural surroundings.

As Alaskans, our deep connection with Nature is essential to our definition of “home.”

Can you be happy away from home?  Of course.

But when we find ourselves in a location that supports us both physically and emotionally – that is where the homey magic starts to happen!

A Sense of Community

Home is more than an idea, more than a physical place.

Home is a way of living, a willingness to connect with a community.

In today’s world, technology helps us stay connected with one another across vast distances.

New communities can be built from afar, and we can keep in touch with loved ones no matter where we are.

The technology that keeps us connected is amazing and fills a need in our world…

But nothing that can entirely replace in-person interaction.

We can form friendships with people from oceans away, but humans need physical interactions, too.

We need each other.

And we all thrive when we help one another.

Sometimes, distance separates us from people we love and technology is able to keep us close – which we are all grateful for!  (2020, anyone?!)

But people have to BE – and live – somewhere.

We can’t relocate to the virtual communities we find helpful and uplifting.

That doesn’t make them any less valuable, but it underlines the need to connect with people in your physical communities as well.

Because where you are – and who you surround yourself with there – matters to that sense of “home.”

Humans need shelter AND a sense of belonging to survive.

So what of the physical place you live?

What role do our houses play in our definition of “home?” 

Our living spaces – and their physical locations – are as essential to feeling at home as the people we surround ourselves with…

But it doesn’t matter if you own a grand mansion or rent a room in someone else’s house – if you feel a sense of stability in your living space, you could feel right at home!

Our homes are where we let down our guard, safe spaces that allow us to be ourselves… and where others can see us, too.

Everything is connected in our sense of “home.”

And, although society may like us to think so, it doesn’t matter how much money you have.

Because money isn’t everything.

It just isn’t.

Money can buy some things – like that mansion you’ve decided to build or that boat you have been dreaming about – but it can’t buy community.

Or a connection with Nature.

And what is life without those things?!

A Connection With Nature

Alaskans know better than most the value of connecting with the outdoors.

We know that there are only a few places on this planet to experience true wilderness the way we can.

And it helps us connect with the inherent wildness within all of us.

This place gets in your blood – even if you just come for a visit.

Because there is nothing tame about this land.

And really? No matter how civilized we try to be, there’s nothing tame about humans, either.

We all come from the wilderness.

And in the wilderness, you’re never alone.

There is life all around you! Even the rocks breathe.

Belonging – and where we feel at home – is more than our relationships with other people.

It also goes beyond where we lay our heads at night.

Belonging depends on an understanding of the Nature that surrounds us.

Even if our only connection to wilderness is a local park or a houseplant.

A sense of connection with the (non-human) life around us – our pets, the trees, the spider that made that intricate web on your window sill – and familiarity with the natural cycles they follow is also an integral part of finding one’s home.

And that requires paying attention.

And observing how our own patterns and cycles fit into those of the world around us.

There is so much to learn from this life, so much to experience!

But if we are constantly worried about the next few dollars, the next thing on the to-do list, or the next big project we have to work on, we can completely miss our lives.

Home is not something discovered overnight – and we each have to find belonging for ourselves…but you don’t need to do it alone!

Make Your House a Home with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam

Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is unique in our industry.

We lead with our hearts, and help to fulfill needs essential for people to feel at home – cultivating community and creating better shelters. (And we are based in Alaska, where wilderness provides the perfect playground for connecting with Nature!)

We care about you, and the essential part you play in our community!

To fulfill that role, you need a safe place to live.

Without shelter, we can’t live up to our full potentials.

Shelter is vital to our survival, and where we choose to place it matters.

In this amazing Alaskan wilderness, we need safe, warm, dry places to come back to after our adventures!

Our houses protect us from harsh outdoor conditions – and there’s no better way to keep your house cozy than with spray foam insulation.

Life is full of changes.

There will be hard years and times of plenty.

We can’t plan for everything – but we can help mitigate the risks of living in Alaska by investing in our houses and creating environments that comfort and support us.

Over time, the place you live becomes a reflection of who you are. When people walk into that space, they understand you better!

We fill our houses with things we like – items that have sentimental value, clothing that embodies our style, all the essentials that help us learn and grow and have fun.

Why not protect those treasures with the best insulation money can buy – which then turns around and saves you money?

With spray foam insulation in your house, you will save money on your energy bills nigh on immediately!

And that money can go toward something you’ve been saving for – like a new pair of snowshoes or that snow machine you’ve been eyeing, or a special trip with your family.

With spray foam insulation in your house, you can create a warm, dry place to return to after exploring the Alaskan woods – or just working a long day.

Because every day matters.

And so do you!

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we care about making your days the best they can be.  We care about you!

You were no accident – you are a brilliant masterpiece!  

With all of your perfect imperfections included.

Every mistake, every difficult season you have lived through has taught you more about the person you are – and helped you grow.

We see the value you bring to the world, and we are honored to work with you!

Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is part of your community, and we want you to feel supported by our services.

We want you to love your living space – from the inside out.

Let’s work together to make your house feel like a home!

Give us a call today.


The idea of “home” is deeply ingrained in all of us.

We want to be in a place where we belong.

But home isn’t just a place – it is also a sense of community and a connection with Nature where we choose to settle.

To live a fulfilled life, we need a safe place to lay our heads.

A place that is warm and dry.

But we also need community.

We also need to feel connected to the natural life surrounding us.

The life in each of us calls out to the life in every other living thing.

Without connection, we wither.

Without community, we cannot find a home.

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we do more than just install insulation. 

We support Alaskans!

We care about the life you have inside of you, and we recognize your vital role in the world.

We understand what building a home means to you, and we want to help you! 

Together, we can enrich the Alaskan community and make your house a home. 

Reach out to us today.

We can’t wait to meet you!

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