
New Year, New Beginning! Ring in the New Year with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam

It’s a new year!  

Resolutions and motivation are topics that permeate the season.

If you follow our blog, you know we like to take life’s cycles one at a time, honor the traditions that bring us hope, and look to the future while learning from the past…  

But nothing can replace being present in the here and now, making the best of each moment.

January is full of hopes and good intentions – and that’s great!

But sometimes life has different ideas than we do…

And if we aren’t able to keep up with our goals, it’s easy to get lost in what we weren’t able to accomplish, instead of making the best of things and living to our fullest potential!

We may have already let go of the resolutions we set for ourselves this year. The infamous “Quitter’s Day” is the second Friday in January…and that was one week ago today.

But even if you’ve “fallen off the wagon: this year, nothing is saying that you can’t hop right back on it!

An “all-or-nothing” mentality is not sustainable, anyway!

If you’re working to improve your life, any action – however small – is a win!

Nothing is ever perfect.  And your journey is much more important than whether you met your step count today…do the best you can today, and start again tomorrow!

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we like to treat every day like New Year’s Day.

Because every day, like every January 1, is a brand new beginning.  

Every breath you take is a step forward in your amazing life.

And it’s never too late to change your direction, upgrade your habits, or improve your surroundings.

Ever get stressed and feel the need to clean your whole house before you work on that project you’re putting off?

Yup, we’ve been there, too.

It feels nice to be in a clean house…

A place with some order, some organization.

Life is like that, too.

We like to have “control” over where our lives lead…

And we do have free will, and can often make choices to get where we want to be in life.

We have countless choices to make, honestly, and some options are better than others for us…

But even one good choice can lead to another!

Because everything is connected.

And the state of our surroundings influences our mindset.

Improving our homes, our barns, or our toy trailers with spray foam insulation can make a huge difference in our day-to-day lives.

We’ve got a whole blog about how we genuinely believe spray foam can help you lead your best life…and we stand by it!

This is a new year. A new day. A new moment.

And the choices we make matter.

If you’re in search of insulation, spray foam is the best insulation on the market!

And you deserve the best!

Investing in your future is worth it, and Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is here for all of your spray foam needs.

Invest in Your Future with Spray Foam Insulation!

Your life matters.

Our whole world would be a different place without you in it!  

You make a difference in your surroundings, and you are essential to the balance of our world.

You are valued beyond measure.

And your future is wrapped up in the future of all living things. We all walk this path of life together.

(Cool that we’re alive at the same time, isn’t it?)

Our future is worth looking forward to.

And you can invest in that future – in your future – with spray foam insulation!

It’s not only the best insulation out there – it also saves you money on your energy bills forever! 

That’s more cash in your pocket, so you can spend it on things that matter to you…

Like taking that fishing trip with your family in Prince William Sound…

Or getting new boots for hiking one of the amazing mountains in our state…

Or upgrading your snow machine! (Man, there has been a lot of snow this season, hasn’t there!?)

Your investment in spray foam makes a difference in your life and the lives of anyone who enters your spray-foam-insulated home…

Or uses the equipment you store in that spray-foam-insulated toy trailer…

Or eats an egg from one of the chickens you house in that spray-foam-insulated barn.

When you invest in spray foam, you invest in a better life.

By seizing the day, you improve in your current reality AND your amazing future.

And that is more than worth it!

Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam’s Services

Spray foam insulation is a highly versatile product.  

(Check out our blog on the topic here!)

Spray foam fills crevices to create air-tight (and even water-tight) seals in your home…

It can help your boat or dock float better, so you can fully enjoy your summer…

It can keep your livestock warm in the winter…

And it can help protect your equipment in your toy trailer or barn.

There are all sorts of projects that spray foam is capable of accomplishing…

And Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is there for all of them!

Do you need insulation in your house? We’ve got you covered!

Is your barn drafty and cold? Let’s seal it up with spray foam!

Does your dock’s floatation need a tune-up? Give us a call – we’ll take care of it for you!

If you have any questions or ideas for how we can help you, reach out!  

We can’t wait to help you save money with our favorite feat of science – spray foam insulation!


Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is here to help propel you into the future you’ve always dreamed of!

Make this year your best one yet by planning to enjoy the journey, and taking one day at a time.

You’re worth it!

If you’ve fallen prey to the yearly pressure to be perfect with your New Year’s resolution, take heart.

No one is perfect…and that’s what makes life interesting!

So, go ahead – treat today like New Year’s Day, no matter what day it is, and begin again!

You’re alive and well!  

And where there’s life, there’s hope.

Spray foam can help you fill in the gaps (and save you money, too)!

Have questions?

Feel free to reach out to us – we can’t wait to hear from you.

Until then, we wish you the very best this year!

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