Observe Life’s Cycles with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam

The air is crisp and cold, and Alaska’s beautiful countryside has fallen into slumber.

Blankets of snow cover mountain peaks and nestle the Sleeping Lady into her winter slumber.

This time of year brings long hours of darkness, often broken by the dancing lights of the Aurora Borealis…

Fantastic designs traced on our windows by icy fingers…

The still beauty of sparkling snow…

And Christmas!

The few rays of sunlight we get to soak up during the winter are cherished, as is our time with friends and family.

And around every corner, cycles are coming to an end, making space for new ones to begin.

Soon, we will say goodbye to 2022.

Another year has brought its blessings and challenges, and we have weathered all but a couple of weeks!

On the horizon – just there! – the bright unknown of 2023 approaches. 

Can you believe it!?

But there are preparations to be made and important traditions to uphold before that time.

Let us enter this Christmas season – the season of hope and giving – by continuing to live in gratitude, reflecting upon and honoring the cycles that life and Nature follow, and preparing our hearts and homes for the blessings of 2023.

Living Life with Gratitude this Christmas Season

In our last blog post, we recognized that Thanksgiving can be lost in the hustle and bustle of the season, swallowed up by Black Friday deals (which are awesome!), and overshadowed by Christmas preparations.

But Christmas can be forgotten in all the hustle and bustle, too!

Many feelings can arise during the holiday season.

But upholding family, religious, and societal traditions can bring great joy!

The point of celebrating holidays is to reflect on our lives, give thanks for the good times, let go of the difficult ones, and look turn a hopeful face toward the future.

Even for one day.

Taking even one day to focus on the little things that make life worth living – and choosing to live with gratitude – can make all the difference in the world.

This Christmas, we hope you take the time to remember your reasons for celebrating.

Remember the Spirit – the Breath of Life – that connects all living things.

Remember the hope that a baby in Bethlehem still brings us to this day.

And contemplate the lasting impression a single person can have on our world.

We can all do great things – especially when we work together. 

But if we forget who we are – if we get lost in the spending and the hustle and bustle of life – we may never reach our full potential.

We pray that you find your reasons for living life to its fullest!

This Christmas season, may you take heart, honor the cycles that life leads us through, and release anything that is holding you back from living your most authentic life!

Observing and Honoring Life’s Cycles

Life moves in cycles, just like those we witness in the Alaskan wilderness.

The seasons change around us…

Night and day continue their ongoing dance…

And our planet journeys around the sun each year.

Animals migrate to warmer pastures annually.

And we humans celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays to mark the passage of time.

It’s no coincidence that this season of reflection and release occurs in the dead of the Alaskan Winter.

This is a time to let go of the old and welcome in the new…

A time to allow the ebbs and flows of life to be what they are…

A time to make space in our minds and hearts for the good things that 2023 will bring.

And really, what better time is there for letting go than when Nature itself is preparing for a new season of life and vitality, come spring?

The Spirit of the season fills us all in different ways.

But we hope you can enjoy your time with your family and friends this Christmas and join us in connecting to the Alaskan wilderness – communing with the trees and creatures that live there and breathing in the crisp air of renewal.

If you determine that installing spray foam insulation is right for you in 2023, Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam would be honored to help you with that process!

How Spray Foam Can Help You and Yours in 2023

This year’s Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) is a big one!

As you count it among the blessings of 2022, it’s a good idea to consider how you want to spend that money next year.

Blowing it on candy probably isn’t the best idea. (Jeez, that would be a lot of candy!)

But why not consider putting your PFD toward improving your quality of life?… 

Something that will truly give back, day after day…

Something like spray foam insulation!

Okay…but seriously.

At Xtreme Alaska Spray foam, we truly believe in our products.

Spray foam insulation is a fantastic, versatile medium that can change your life.

With spray foam in your walls, you will save money on your energy bills year-round – even with your thermostat set at lower temperatures…

It can keep your equipment safe in your barn or toy trailer while it waits for warmer weather to run and play…

It can extend the life of your home’s foundation

Or help your boat or dock float better.

If you have livestock, they will be much happier in a barn insulated by spray foam, too.

And you won’t need to spend as much money to keep them comfortable.

That’s a win-win if we’ve ever heard one!

But nothing compares to the safety and peace of mind that spray foam insulation can provide for your family during Alaska’s winters.

When you install spray foam in your home, you create a safe haven for your family.

The air-tight seal all spray foam creates – and the vapor barrier formed by closed-cell foam – help to combat the elements to create a fantastic place to live.

Spray foam can help you and your loved ones thrive.


Spray foam insulation is a product that truly gives back.

That’s why we’re so passionate about spreading the word at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam!

We care about you. And we want to help you and your family live your best lives.

You are a valuable, treasured part of this amazing world we live in.

You’re valued by your family, friends, and community…

By the baby born in Bethlehem all those years ago…

And by Xtreme Alaska Spray foam.

Just for being you.

There’s more to you than your money, your possessions, or your career.

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we see you for the valued being that you are.

If you need a person to talk to this holiday season or have any questions about how spray foam can help you and your family thrive, give us a call!

We are here for you.

And we wish you the merriest Christmas and your happiest new year yet.

Peace, friend.

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