The Luck of the Contractors
When you think about luck, what comes to mind?
Pots of gold at the end of rainbows?
The unique talents that you were blessed with?
Favorable circumstances falling into place in your life?
Whatever the case may be, we believe in luck…
But at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we tend to call it “opportunity!”
Without opportunity, we can’t notice when things are coming up roses…
Or make use of our talents…
Or even see rainbows, let alone chase after their gold!
So, when opportunity knocks at your door, ya gotta answer it!
The only problem?
Actually answering the call can be difficult.
Our doubts can hold us back from reaching our true potential.
After all, where is that stroke of luck going to lead us?? Will it really be better there than where we already are??
Beat Doubt – Take that Leap of Faith!
We understand the conundrum of doubt at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam.
That annoying voice in the back of your mind can be hard to ignore…
And even more difficult to differentiate from that “still small voice” that should never be ignored!
It’s not just possible but probable that where you end up will not be exactly what you expected it to be when you began…
Sometimes it can be even better!
But there’s no way of knowing that without taking the initial risk.
While it’s true that outcomes of a “lucky break” can be unpredictable…
And that a perceived opportunity can become less desirable at the drop of a hat…
(Pay attention when certain doors close and others open!)…
A leap of faith is often necessary for growth!
You can’t always know where your journey will lead you…
But opportunities are some of the only moments when we can harness life’s constant changes and help create a new reality for ourselves.
Alaskan Foamers Understand Risk!
Every venture requires risk…
But so does everything – from making toast in the morning to hiking in the woods!
Besides, you’re an Alaskan spray foam contractor!
You don’t let fear of the unknown hold you back!
You know about taking risks….
And about the good that following one’s opportunities can bring.
That’s exactly why we like to call the unique opportunities and challenges of Alaskan foamers the “Luck of the Contractors.”
Spraying Foam in Alaska is Unique
Being a spray foam contractor means you own and operate your own business…
And the “Luck of the Contractors” – that unique set of challenges and opportunities that Alaskan foamers face – comes with that spray foam business.
Owning a business anywhere involves risk…
But when you spray foam in Alaska, extra precautions are called for that other business owners wouldn’t think of…
Because most business owners aren’t Alaskans!
Alaskan Challenges Apply to Alaskan Spray Foam Contractors
Many of the challenges faced by Alaskan spray foam contractors are challenges faced by all Alaskans.
You know the kinds of things we mean:
Shipping anything here can be difficult…
Moose or caribou can block the only road to where we are going…
Many locations are difficult or impossible to reach in winter…
And sometimes, black bears can make summer spray foam jobs rather…interesting.
The fact is, this place is wild…
And, because we live here, we are part of that wilderness.
As such, Alaskans, more than most, have to find balance with the Natural world that surrounds us…
And that can be extra challenging for Alaskan spray foam contractors.
Hauling a spray foam rig into the bush is no easy task…
And neither is finding foam material at a reasonable price.
That said, Alaska’s wildness is what many of us love about this state!
Unique challenges call for unique solutions…
And that’s where the “Luck of the Contractors” comes in!
A Unique Opportunity for Alaskan Foamers
Competition in the spray foam industry can be fierce.
But if you’re a spray foam contractor in Alaska, you and Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam have a chance to change that dynamic!
We don’t need to be cutthroat competitors when we can be partners!
If you think about it, we have a lot in common…
And there are enough resources to go around up here!
For example, we share an Alaskan community…
And that Big Alaskan Family covers vast distances…
Distances that would make Texans cry!
Frankly, Alaska is huge…
And there’s no way that one spray foam contractor could insulate the entire state by him or herself.
If we try to do that, many people would struggle through the winter because their insulation wasn’t what it could be…
And struggling through the winter is what we combat as spray foam contractors!
The way to help the most people is to work together…
So, instead of quarreling amongst ourselves, let’s find unique solutions to the challenges facing foamers in our state…
Like sharing our experiences…
And helping one another get stellar foam material into this state!
Spray X-PRESS Seal Foam with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam
At each crossroads, there is a chance to see decisions for what they are, revamp our goals, and recommit to the things that are important to us.
Regardless of how you found your way to the spray foam industry, it was a stroke of luck…
And you’ve made good use of that opportunity!
You get to help Alaskans and help protect Alaskan wildlife every day.
What a rewarding venture!!
That said, the challenges you face as an Alaskan spray foam contractor combine those of all Alaskans and all spray foam contractors.
Sometimes, that can be quite challenging, indeed!
But there’s no need to weather that storm alone…
Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is here to help!
We have been spraying foam for years…
And we’ve seen just about all there is to see in this industry.
We know how hard it is to source reliable spray foam materials in this state…
And how difficult it can be to communicate our experiences spraying up here with those from the Lower 48.
That’s why Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is working to bridge that gap!
We now stock the best spray foam on the market – X-PRESS Seal spray foam…
Work tirelessly to help Alaskans install foam in their homes, barns, and toy trailers…
And strive to create working relationships with other Alaskan spray foam contractors.
We care about you, fellow foamer!
And we want to help you help Alaskans.
We can do that by sharing tips, advice, and uplifting conversations…
And by helping you source the best spray foam material on the market!
Interested in X-PRESS Seal products?
Call Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam today!
We can’t wait to make a difference together!
Give Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam a call today!
We’d love to discuss how X-PRESS Seal foam can help your spray foam business succeed…
And how we can work together to help protect Alaska.
Need a spray foam job completed? Call Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam!
We’ll help you in any way we can – including helping to prevent ice dams and drafty crawl spaces…
And if we can’t complete your spray foam job, we’d love to help you find another Alaskan foamer in your area who can.
Community is about trust…
And we trust that our Big Alaskan Family can best thrive by working together.
How about it?