
Be an Xtreme Alaskan! Let’s Work Together.

Alaska is a place unto itself. There is no other place like it.

Anyone who has ever lived here, visited, or even viewed it in pictures understands that Alaska is a jewel of this planet…

One of the only wildernesses left to us…

And we Alaskans get to see this amazing place every day!

We get to live here, and that means holding space for the flora and fauna that surrounds us. 

We bear witness to the shifting seasons…

See the bears and moose and ravens live their lives beside us…

And watch the salmon run again and again, returning inland to complete their life cycles.

Alaskans are lucky. We get to experience the cycles of life in this amazing state, flowing with the death and rebirth of each year. 

Because we live here and notice the nature surrounding us, we get to call ourselves Alaskans. 

And what an honor it is.

With the perspective we Alaskans carry, we see how fleeting our short human lives truly are…

And that perspective is a gift

Alaskans Understand Sharing

Our lives as Alaskans – just because we live here – equip us with the knowledge we need to make better choices about how to treat one another well

As fellow Alaskans, we understand that when we work together, we all have enough.

When we share our joys, the rejoicing multiplies

And when we share our burdens, we all carry less of a load.

With cooperation, in the face of competition, we can all succeed!

Together. As fellow Alaskans.

When we choose to cooperate – to work together – and to do all we can to help one another, we all have the chance to grow

And when we let growth in

When we let in the lessons

And the changes

We can all transition more easily into the next of life’s seasons…

One season at a time

Just like we see happening in the fantastic wilderness we live in.

Kindness is Xtreme

Many of us are taught from a young age to bury the “good” parts of us deep within ourselves. We build “skins” – thicker and thicker – around our hearts to protect those good things…until no one can see the good within us – sometimes not even ourselves. 

When we hide the good within, we hide the most important – and strongest – parts of ourselves.

What we aren’t told is that when we show our hearts

When we wield the kindness within them…

We are using the most powerful form of resistance.

When we resist the constant onslaught of derision and hate

When we focus, instead, on the things that connect us…

The things that bring us together

We are choosing to fight the good fight

And kindness wins.

When faced with kindness, hate is powerless

Because hate is a vacuum…

But love – where kindness originates – is a never-ending well.

There is always enough love to go around.

When we work together

As unique individuals and neighbors

We can generate enough hope to fill the hearts of all people.

Growing Through Community

Now, we know what you’re thinking…

You’re thinking “This is all great, in theory, Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam – a bit sappy, maybe, but nice – except for one thing: not everyone gets along!”…

And to that we say: you’re right!

Not everyone gets along swimmingly – but at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we believe every person has a unique purpose to fulfill in this life, and we can much more easily do that when we help one another.

No one is perfect – and we can expect to find differences that are challenging between us…

But as fellow Alaskans, are still neighbors, regardless of how we feel about one another! 

We are allowed to disagree without condemning one another!

It is when we step out of our comfort zones…

Crossing the road to help our neighbors that need help, even when we disagree with them…

(Just like the Good Samaritan)…

That we find community.

And fostering community is how we heal.

Together, we grow.

Protecting Our Community

Alaska is a community of many different kinds of people.  

Without one another, we would have much more trouble surviving the winters here…

Because Alaskan winters are hard and can be very dangerous without protection.

That’s why Alaskans build strong shelters (and insulate them with spray foam!). 

Our homes safeguard our families, friends, livestock, equipment, and all of our other treasures.

We build homes to house our hopes

And we fill them with warmth and the intention to weather any storms that arise, be they literal or metaphorical.

But all storms are better weathered together…

And the high-insulating properties of spray foam insulation help, too!

Spray Foam Helps Alaskans

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we CARE about you.

We view our business as a way to spread hope, a way to truly give back to the community.

With spray foam insulation, we spread warmth, safety, and security to our neighbors, friends, and family. 

And we would never, ever install a product in your home that we wouldn’t – or haven’t – put in our own.

Now that we have partnered with Central Urethane, we have even more reason to be grateful

Because we can share the best spray foam on the market with our fellow spray foam contractors!

Working Together

We view the opportunity to supply other Alaskan spray foamers with X-PRESS Seal products as a prime community-building opportunity!

We cannot possibly complete every Alaskan spray foam job on our own…

But together? With the other Alaskan foamers?

Together, we can build safe, warm places for a much wider number of people than Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam could do alone!

That’s why we, at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, are honored to help all Alaskan foamers by bringing the X-PRESS Seal products up to this amazing state!

X-PRESS Seal spray foam is, simply put, better foam! It makes all of our lives – foamer and customer alike – easier. 

X-PRESS Seal spray foam is easier to spray, has better performance on the job, and goes farther than many other brands of spray foam – and the foam testing results make it the best choice for Alaskans!

We are proud to work with X-PRESS Seal products, and we know you’ll be pleased with the foam performance, too…

Whether you’re a spray foam contractor or an Alaskan home owner in need of insulation.

Interested in the spray foam services or products we offer? Give us a call today!

We cannot wait to talk to you!


We are better when we work together.

When we help one another, we all benefit. 

And when we combine forces, we can go farther as a species!

How can Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam best help you reach your goals?

Do you have a spray foam job you need completed?

Or are you searching for a reliable supply of fantastic foam for your spray foam contracting company?

Whatever your spray foam need, give Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam a call

We are honored to help you on your journey.

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