
Separating “Needs” From “Wants” with Intentional Action

Alaska is an amazing place to live.

Sure, Alaska presents unique challenges for its residents, but the “payoff” of this place is well worth the work required to stay.

Besides, challenges are there to be overcome! All it takes to thrive here is a little ingenuity, persistence, and elbow grease.

When Alaskans are intentional about our choices, and we successfully separate our needs from our “wants,” there’s no stopping us!

After all, many Alaskans live in remote villages or work on the North Slope, regardless of the sub-zero temperatures.

No matter where we are in our wild state, Alaskans find a way to survive…

As long as we are paying attention to what really matters.

When we make our decisions with intention, we create safe havens for ourselves, our families, and our equipment wherever we need them – and from those safe spaces, we bear witness to the beautiful ecosystems of the North.

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we understand the struggles of Alaskans because we are Alaskans, too – through and through! We experience the beauty of this place every day – and that’s why we care so much about spreading hope and safety to our communities! 

By spraying foam insulation for other Alaskans and supplying our fellow contractors with reliable spray foam materials, we intentionally do all we can to help our neighbors.

Because you are valuable! And you have a purpose to fulfill in your life! 

There’s no time to waste.

Intentional living – and buying – can help you fulfill your goals more peacefully and more effectively.

Living – and Buying – with Intention

At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we know it is sometimes difficult to differentiate between our “wants” and our “needs” in life. 

Advertisements surround us – we can’t check our phones, watch a sporting event, or shop for groceries without being asked to purchase something new and improved! Thus, it’s easy to come away from scrolling our phones or watching our favorite TV shows believing we need the newest gadget or trinket that we keep hearing about…

…But do we, really?

With so many authorities vying for our attention, it can be quite difficult to figure out what our needs really are, let alone focus on what is truly important to us.

It’s time we took our attention back, so we can intentionally spend it – along with our time and money – on the things we need, on things that matter to us.

Knowing the Need – and Working With It

Some products or solutions serve purposes that others cannot serve. Using the correct tools for specific jobs can help you complete a task more efficiently and with greater enjoyment!

After all, you wouldn’t attempt to hike a mountain wearing a pair of fuzzy bunny slippers. (At least not twice…) Instead, what you need to enjoy your hike is a good, sturdy pair of hiking boots!

We can (or must) solve other problems, however, using the skills and resources we already possess. In those cases, we call upon one of humanity’s defining strengths: ingenuity!

To illustrate our point, we’ve chosen one of the most amazing feats of human ingenuity as an example: the Apollo 13 mission.

After an oxygen tank explosion threatened the three astronauts’ lives, the crew of Apollo 13 made it safely home using only what was on hand and the problem-solving collaboration of many minds.

Are there problems in your life that could be fixed with a little thought, elbow grease, or self-control? (There sure are in ours!)

There is quite a lot to be said for “making things work” in times of need, as the above example proves – but that doesn’t mean we have to fix our problems alone.

In fact, sometimes, we need help to solve our problems, or we risk failing to achieve our goals.

Certain solutions – such as installing spray foam insulation in a home – require the correct tools and training to work effectively.

(That’s where Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam comes in!)

But when we ask for the help we need, we are much more likely to succeed.

(And end up with a safe, warm home!)

Home Is Where the Heat Is

Our homes – and other shelters – are meant to sustain us.

When we run into problems with our shelters, it can be a matter of life and death – especially in Alaska.

Alaskans know that sometimes, we can fix the issues in our home with simple DIY projects and up-cycling – at least for a time.

Living here teaches us the value of those functional fixes!

But our unique experience in this wild land also helps us understand when we need a professional to help – especially when winter weather threatens our home’s ability to keep our families warm!

When the functional fixes in our attics, crawl spaces, and walls aren’t enough to hold in the heat, it’s time to employ a better solution: spray foam insulation!

How Spray Foam Helps 

When it comes to insulation, spray foam is king. The rugged nature of the product – perfect for Alaskans – means spray foam can stand up to the rigors of Alaska’s environment, no matter the weather.

Spray foam is versatile, too! It can help you in many ways, including concrete lifting, flotation enhancement, ice dam prevention, and crawl space heat containment.

All-in-all, spray foam is a great way to increase the energy-efficiency of your home. It helps you save money on your energy bills – and can even qualify you for a tax credit upon installation!

Installing spray foam insulation in your home helps create a safe, warm environment for your family to thrive in.

That’s why we spray it at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam.

We care about you, and we want to help you live your best life.

In fact, we believe in this product so much that we partnered with Central Urethane to bring X-PRESS Seal products to Alaska! 

With our fellow spray foamers, we can help as many Alaskans as possible!

Interested in finding out more? Call us today! We look forward to answering your questions!


 At Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we know that your time and resources are valuable. That’s why we encourage your questions about spray foam!

We want you to know what you’re getting when we complete a job for you! 

That’s why we strive to help you make intentional decisions regarding the use of spray foam insulation in your home, barn, toy trailer, or business – and why we always follow up after a job is complete.

Whether you need a spray foam job completed or you’re a fellow spray foam contractor looking for quality spray foam materials, at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, we do all we can to treat you and your family with respect and kindness – just as we would want our own family to be treated.

Call Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam today to find out how spray foam can help your family thrive.

We can’t wait to meet you! 

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