Seize the Summer with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam

Seize the Summer with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam: Preparing Your Home for Alaska’s Winter Weather

The summer season is full of fresh possibilities, and summer in Alaska is one of the most beautiful summers on the planet!

With wilderness in our backyard, Alaskans understand the shifting seasons.

We live with wildlife migrations and drastic sunlight (or dark) conditions.

Summertime almost means more in this land of the midnight sun than in other parts of the world…

Because we have lived through the dark months of winter to get here!

Daylight hours have been ramping up for months, and we’ve finally reached peak of the light season in Alaska.

In fact, the longest day of the year approaches.  What a great time to be alive!

Extended daylight hours bring a season packed with potential and growth.

The fireweed flourishes…

The salmon return to their hatcheries to bring forth a new generation…

And crops grow rapidly in our fields and gardens.

The life that has slept through the winter has reached its full height, and there’s a sense of joy and celebration in the air.

Can you feel it?!

What are you doing with this season of plenty in our beloved state?

Are you getting outside as much as possible, soaking up the vitamin D while you can?

Hiking the green mountain trails?

Rafting or kayaking the wild rivers?

Exploring the woods and roads on your four-wheeler or motorcycle?

Good!  This season of laughter and light won’t last forever, so get out there and soak up the summer!

Thinking about the future will wait until you get back from your outdoor adventures, but don’t make the mistake of forgetting about the coming months altogether!

In the bright and shiny summer it’s easy to forget that these few weeks of sunlight are also a season of preparation.

A time to prepare for the days with less light and less energy.

Are you getting your home ready for the coming months?

The wilderness – and we Alaskans – take advantage of summer to dance in the sunlight, but we also remember what is coming: 


Alaskans think ahead. We get ourselves and our homes ready for winter – but we don’t dread it!  

Alaskan winters are glorious!

With a bit of preparation – and some spray foam insulation – your next winter can be cozy and filled with as much joy as these summer days.

Seize this summer to play hard AND to plan for what lies ahead.  Get your home and toy trailers ready for winter with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam!

Seize The Season! Spray Foam in Your Alaska Home, and Start Saving Money This Summer!

Alaskan summers are short, but we can use this amazing season to prepare ourselves and our homes for the upcoming winter.

Now is the time for action! (Even the dandelions feel it – they are getting so big!)

 Besides – this moment is all we have.

Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is a hope – but it today? Today!

This moment is ours for the taking.

If you’re considering installing spray foam in your home or toy trailer, you’re in luck – summer peak spray foam season in Alaska!

We spray foam year-round at Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam, but this sun-charged time is the best time to get your foam insulation sprayed!

Besides, spray foam is good for helping regulate the temperatures in your home or toy trailer during every season!

Most of our summer days are temperate (thank goodness), but there are some days that we want to keep our homes cooler than what’s on offer outside.

Do you know what’s stellar at helping you beat those summer heat waves? Yup – spray foam insulation!

Furthermore, spray foam saves you money on your energy bills no matter what season it is!

Keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter – and save money along the way.

Oh, and that new four-wheeler you bought with your PFD money? Spray foam can help keep that safe and cozy in your toy trailer, too! 

With spray foam, it’s always a win!

This summer – between the hikes and the drives and the dances under the midnight sun – take a moment to prepare for the coming seasons.

Come winter, you’ll be glad you set your home up for success!

Have a spray foam job in mind, but stressed about how to get this insulation process started?  Don’t fret!

Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam is here to help you on your spray foam journey.  Give us a call for a free quote today!

Want to learn more about spray foam before you reach out? Check out some of our blog posts

We have a post introducing spray foam, one defining the common terms of the industry, another examining whether you can use spray foam as a vapor barrier – even a post addressing spray foam safety

Sound useful?  Check out blog page here – or go ahead and give us a call

We would love to answer your questions directly.


Breathe the fresh air and let go of your worries. Summer in Alaska is a time of abundance and preparation – not of worry!

Summer gives you the chance to think about what you might need this winter and set those things aside…

But it isn’t winter yet!

You have the blessed opportunity to live through this season of light in Alaska – a time revered among locals and visitors alike.

People come from all over the world to experience the summer where you live!

As you explore the world around you this season, take time to appreciate how hearty life is in this wild land – and your place in that balance.

You are part of Alaska, after all! A part of the joy and growth and change and steadfastness of this awesome state.

After the summer solstice – the longest day of the year – we start our march toward winter.

The first half of the year has come to a close. (Can you believe it??)

Midsummer is a time to celebrate, a time to give thanks for all that the first half of the year has brought us…

A time to recognize the changes around us… 

Step into the future…

And turn our faces toward the restful season ahead.

What will you do with the rest of this year?

What changes do you need to make in your home and your life as we move into fall and winter?

Whatever changes you decide upon, we believe the spray foam insulation can help you achieve those endeavors.

Will you seize the summer with Xtreme Alaska Spray Foam?

Reach out today with any questions!

We look forward to working with you.

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